Name Sponsor
Principal Sponsors
The Bahamas is comprised of 700 islands and over 2,000 rocks and cays, sprinkled over 100,000 square miles of ocean. The archipelago is an ecological oasis, boasting the clearest water on the planet. The Bahamas have been the home and host of Vertical Blue since 2008, and Dean's Blue Hole on Long Island is the world's premiere destination for freediving.
Suunto makes the most accurate and dependable dive computers on the planet, and the Suunto D6i has been used to homologate depth for all AIDA freediving competitions in recent years. Founded in Finland in 1937, Suunto first made precision compasses, until in 1987 they produced their first dive computer. Since then they have been the leader in the industry, and Suunto has been an official sponsor of Vertical Blue from 2009.
AIDA is The Worldwide Federation for breath-hold diving, responsible for officiating competitions and homologating world records. It is also the industry-leader in freediving education and safety.
The first action camera dedicated to diving, the Paralenz is rated all the way to the bottom of Dean's Blue Hole (200m), and it has every feature that could be useful underwater, including automatic depth corrected colour and depth and temperature overlays. The VB safety team will all be wearing head-mounted Paralenz cameras during this year's event.
Depth Development is a proud partner of Vertical Blue and the web development of its sites and annual elite competitions!